
The Anti-Big

So, I've been talking to this guy who I met on the internet. For safety's sake, I'll refer to him as Aiden. I can't begin to describe him because he is just so damn cool. Not like, cool as in the guys who used to slam me into lockers in high school, I mean cool as in he reads comic books, at least KNOWS what a decent job entails, and has the capacity to have amazing, animated conversations about absolutely nothing. (Wow, a lot like me.)

Anyway, we've only really "seen" each other twice, but we have these incredible conversations that last for hours (which is really amazing, because neither of us particularly enjoy talking on the phone). Last night, we met up at his place of work and ...

we made out like crazy teenagers. It was beautiful. I won't go into too much detail, but needless to say, I'm very eager to give him a test drive. Thus my problem.

I know it's very "un-Carrie" of me, but I really don't want to screw this one up by sleeping with him too soon. I like him a lot, and I have to wonder if it's my predisposition that sex is a considerable part of a relationship regardless of the length of time the parties have known each other or my jealous neurosis that sends my relationships down the ... well, you know.