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Yeah, so I probably screwed up something with great potential by sleeping with this awesome guy that I met. He's 34, has two kids, divorced, the whole deal- and he's a little revert back to my original "ideal" type. Tall and pudgy.
Of course, the sex was amazing. Props, props...
But now there's this certain degree of awkwardness... I can't explain it. It's almost like, this is a guy that I could see myself having a "real" relationship with, and all I could think when I left his house was "well, thanks for the lay. Have a good night."
I didn't say that. I was so exausted when I left that I'm pretty sure that I missed his lips on the goodnight kiss. And I don't remember driving home.
Which is almost as good as blacking out, right?
I hereby dub thee: Loki.
I'm going out with Richard on Tuesday- it should be interesting considering he's been reading my blog forever and knows a lot of my most deep and intimate secrets. Craziness. Sherri believes that I should enjoy my youth and not try so hard to get tacked down into another relationship, but I'm not. Not really. I like being in a relationship- I like "being" with someone. I just feel like I wouldn't mind going back to one if I could say with some certainty that it wouldn't be like my last two disasters.
I just don't like all of the BS that one needs to wade through in order to GET to the serious relationship.
But since it seems like I'm not going to have a choice...
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