Movin' fever is a bitch.
Yeah, so, I took a nap and I kept dreaming about the new place. I even *gasp* applied for Sears Credit so I can buy a bitchen ass washer and dryer combo dealeo. Not like the washer/dryer together crap, but like a big hawkin set that I can do like, sheets and blankets and stuff in. Ooooh...creamy.
Big's warming up to the idea, I think. Especially when I gave him my idea for the "gaming" area.. of course, my excercise bike will be in there somewhere too.. but hell, maybe one of us will actually use it if it were "out" instead of hiding behind a bookshelf. Long story. Anywho, I'm all wanting to start packing now, but I'm faced with the crappy dilema of "what will we need?"
The answer, of course, is nothing really. 'Cept clothes and food, you know? And the TV in the living room. Cuz that's all we really do when we have (god forbid) down time.
If I don't get approved for this apartment, I'm probably going to shoot myself. It's too damn good of a deal for me, you know? Cheap, and I won't have to trudge my sorry ass to a laundromat ever again. Goooooood stuff.
Hell, even my mom is happy for me. See, I called her earlier (before I went to see it) and told her of the discovery, the price, the amenities, whatnot. She was really quiet, like she was waiting for me to ask her for money, or a cosign, or something. And I said "what do you think?" She says "Well, I'm waiting for you to finish..." "Mom, I don't need any money!!!"
She seemed a little shocked, I think.
Yes, I am stretching a little thin by moving so abruptly and so soon after my vacation, but I can't sit on this deal, you know? I have to do it NOW or the bloody place will be gone! Dammit!

I don't remember what he was singing, but I'm sure it was something fully worthy of the rock fist. Grrr, baby.
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