
This house is clean...

I erased Aiden's phone number from my cell phone.

I'm not the type to remember phone numbers, so he's pretty much gone forever. I'll stop pathetically calling him every 3.53 hours and he'll never call me, and if for some reason (like he needs cash or something- fucking men.) he calls me, I won't answer because if I don't know the number, I don't answer.

Going out to eat/movie at KUC with Big tonight. I know it's wrong, but apparently, I don't want to be right. I got him two Valentine's day cards- one really for his birthday. Both of them insinuating that I love him dearly, and both of them insinuating greatly that I enjoy sexual escapades. With him.

I'm loving this rabbit thing, though. I think if enough women knew about the rabbit, men would become eradicated altogether. And life would be super.