So, I took Big to the airport yesterday. I've never done a drop off or a pick up before, but I'm under the impression that that's a very "girlfriend" thing to do, right? I'm a depression spender, and yesterday I traded in my faithful
Gameboy Advance SP for a
Nintendo DS.
I am the
Yu-Gi-Oh! master.
I'm also tearing ass on Big's copy of
Wario Ware Touched.
Even though
Hypercube sucked,
Cube was great, and I bought
Cube Zer0. I haven't watched it yet, but it seems to be more with the original
Cube movie, so it's gotta be good.
It can't be worse than
I've taken to referring to Big as my "psudo-boyfriend" when discussing him with others. I don't particularly think it's rude, but it is fricking true. We do so much together- like boyfriends and girlfriends do -but we don't have titles.
And that's fine, I suppose.
I'd really really really really like to have that title, to be introduced as "my girlfriend *****" blah blah, but I know better than to push it.
I do tell him that I'm the best psudo-girlfriend he'll ever have.
Four days left...
For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I have become absolutely addicted to
wife's website.
It's crazy, but I can't get enough of their perfect freaking lives. Yes, I know, (and before you post something smart-ass, john.) NO ONE is perfect. But if I had to point out someone who oh, let's see... graduated from college doing something he loves and is good at, is actually working in a field that resembles his major, is married to a hot chick whom he desperately loves, has traveled bookoos of places and who is able to suppress his hateball for the world long enough to actually say about his wife, "god she isn't she pretty?" (or something like that)... that would be john.
I'm off to dreamland where, even there, I am a complete pathetic loser.