
Word Of The Day.

Amberlee: verb to trick a man into believing that you love him, cheat repeatedly on him, and to treat him like shit when he moves on with his life with another girl; also to badmouth said new girl to mutual friends even though the psycho bitch in question has never met the new girl.
noun the person who performs the actions listed above.

Mommy Dearest. Posted by Hello

My Worst Nightmare. Posted by Hello

Unintentional. Posted by Hello

I Heart Staples.

I broke down and bought a scanner. See, mom was going to give me one of her "spare" printers/scanner/xerox combos, but I haven't spoken to her in a while. I've been pretty busy, but the last time we spoke, she laid down the law about my financial situation. Yes, I am a grown ass woman, but her opinion really matters, and she doesn't realize how much. Suck it. Suck it dry.